In this post I am going to discuss on the implementation of learning theories in websites.
Before I begin any further, allow me to shed some light on the differences between model and theory. According to Dorrin, Demmin & Gabel (1990), a theory provides a general explanation for observation. It also can predict behaviour. However a theory cannot be established before it is accepted by all.
On the other hand, a model is a mental picture that helps us understand something we cannot see or experience directly.
Next, what actually is ID model? ID models a.k.a Instructional Design models can best be defined as frameworks for developing modules or lessons that can increase and/or enhance the possibility of learning as well as encourage the engagement of learners so that they learn faster and gain deeper levels of understanding. In doing so, it is imperative to implement the learning theories in the models.
Learning theory is an obvious source for inspiration, insight, and new perspectives on instruction design. Hence, learning theories act as a foundation and ID acts as a building built on the foundation. In relation to web developing, a developer must aware the importance of ID models in implementing learning theories into a website. This is to assure the functionality of the website.
There are 3 learning theories that a developer needs to consider. Behaviourism, cognitivism and constructivism.
In gist, behaviourism learning theory can be traced back since Aristotle. It is based on observable changes in behaviour . It also focuses on a new behavioral pattern being repeated until it became automatic. Moreover, it is based on stimulus-response pattern. This theory had made popular by names like Pavlov, Thorndike, Watson, as well as Skinner. The best example to implement this learning theory is in computer class. In this class, the learners will obtain understanding through repetition of action as well as observation.
Next, is cognitivism. This learning theory is made popular by Piaget. Furthermore, this theory deals on the thought process behind the behaviour. Furthermore, In addition, changes in behaviour are observed because these changes usually reflect the activities inside ones' head, so to speak. This theory usually deals with how people perceive and remember information, solve problems and ultimately learn. A key concept of cognitivism is that learning constructs mental maps in the brain and learning process is the means by which these mental structures are understood. For example, in learning Physics, a student must understand the concept and internalize the concept in his/her mind. Then, he/she must build a mental map of that concept so that it makes sense. This, in a way, will strengthen their understanding of a concept.
The final theory that I will discuss is constructivism. It views learning as a process in which the learner actively constructs or builds new ideas or concepts based upon current and past knowledge or experience. It based on the principles that a learner constructs his/her perspective of the world, experiences as well as schema. In addition, it prepares learner to solve problem in complex situation. In layman term, it simply means learning by integrating one's acquired knowledge with one's experiences so that the learning will be much more meaningful. In constructivism, a learner is given freedom to explore within the given framework. This theory promotes learner to internalize concepts, rules, and general principles. Then these concepts, consequently, be applied in a practical real-world context.
In the final analysis, in building a website, a developer needs to consider which learning theory fits the bill. The developer also must acknowledge the learning styles that he/ she is going to utilize in the website. Therefore a developer should vary the usage of instructional materials and include audio visual examples, demonstrations, opportunities for practical application along with corrective feedback. The use of feedback to guide and support the learner in creating accurate mental connections is a key component of the success of a website. The use of technology can be used effectively by providing interest and variety, thereby aiding comprehension and the elaboration of existing cognitive structures.
[Author's note]
In the next post, I will be discussing more on the types of ID models.
bape byk blog kau ade nih???
Wehh.. ni blog assignment akulaa... aiseh... hahahah