In this day and age, Internet users are becoming more aware regarding the usage of multimedia elements. As one of the internet users, I prefer a site offers these elements because to me this websites offers more choices as well as better information. More often than not, the message can be conveyed with much precision.
Other than that, by integrating multimedia elements in a website, the developer is actually offering the users more control. This is because, when listening to an audio files (streaming) a user has the ability to control the playback.
When developing a website there are numerous elements that can be utilized. They are:
Images : By and large, this element is the most prominent in any website. It is the easiest element to date. A developer only needs to find suitable images and graphics so that the message can be conveyed precisely.
Animation : Basically, once a page has loaded, anything that's still moving on the screen is animation. There are a variety of uses for animation ranging from simple animations that might be intended to "liven-up" a page through to more complex and lengthy animations that could be used to provide a product demonstration. The types of animation are ranging from GIF files to Flash files (*.flv or *.swf), depending on the purpose.
Text : In designing a website, the most vital element to take into consideration is the fotnts and the typeface. For text on the web the most common sans-serif fonts are Verdana, Arial, and Helvetica. Verdana was specifically designed to be more readable at small font sizes, it has wider proportions than Arial so works well for body text. Arial is better if used for larger sizes such as headings. Helvetica is most popular with Mac and Linux users, but is not always supported by older versions of Windows. A popular alternative to Arial is Universe which looks similar but with slightly wider spacing.
Audio : Audio in website ranges from sound effects, background sounds, streamed audio files as well as downloadable sound files. The numerous formats in distributing audio files are, MP3, WAV, MIDI, Real Audio, OGG Vorbis, AIFF and the list goes on. However, MP3 is the most sought after since the size is relatively small and yet the quality of the sound is still preserved.
Video: Nowadays, this element is widely applied in websites. It is a common sense that using video helps to improve understanding. Other than that, video also helps to distribute information and idea more effectively. Nevertheless, when integrating videos in a website, it is important to consider issues such as compression, size, quality, speed and bandwidth. Is these issues are not handled carefully, the usage of videos will be in vain.
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